Kwame Nkrumah quotes on education

Dr. Kwame Nkrumah said education was required to move our people forward. Here are just a few of the statements he made on the subject.

"We shall measure our progress by the improvement in the health of our people; by the number of children in school, and by the quality of their education; by the availability of water and electricity in our towns and villages, and by the happiness which our people take in being able to manage their own affairs. The welfare of our people is our chief pride, and it is by this that my Government will ask to be judged." Broadcast to the Nation. 24 December 1957

"In spite of the long and untiring work in education and organization of the pioneers of Civil Rights; in spite of the painstaking effort made by African-American citizens of the United States to educate their children, and by hard work to achieve 'acceptance' in American society, African-American have remained only barely tolerated aliens in the land of their birth, the vast mass of them outside consideration of basic human justice.

"This is a fact which is now being called to the attention of all those who through the years have had in their power the means to order and fashion the world according to their interests White interests controlled the economic wealth; white interest have been able to establish the 'moral' standards by which Americans must live; white domestic imperialism made all the laws, rule and regulations. This was the modern world up to, and throughout, the first half of the twentieth century " Spectre of Black Power

"Those who would judge us merely by the heights we have achieved would do well to remember the depths from which we started."






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